Washington State Real Estate Practice Exam 2024 - Free Real Estate Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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In real estate, what does the term 'actual notice' mean?

An unrecorded deed

An unrecorded deed refers to a deed that has not been officially recorded or filed in a public records office. This means that although the deed exists, it is not considered legally binding or valid until it is officially recorded. Option B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not accurately define what actual notice means in the context of real estate. Option B mentions express information or fact, whereas actual notice specifically refers to knowledge or information about a property. Option C mentions an oral agreement, which is not necessarily equivalent to actual notice. Option D mentions written consent, which does not necessarily indicate that a person has knowledge about a property. Therefore, option A is the correct answer as it accurately defines actual notice in the context of real estate.

Express information or fact; actual knowledge

Oral agreement

Written consent


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